What ?!?!... When?

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Dems Gain Power - What will they do? Apparently Nothing!

Well, the Americans have voted in a new Congress under the leadership of Democrats. If this were not the Matrix, we would expect the immediate investigation into war crimes, torture, and war profiteering. We would expect immediate investigations into rampant voter fraud, immediate repeal of onerous laws like the Patriot Acts, Military Commissions Act and the Defense Authorization Act (and about 50 laws passed surreptitiously over the past 6 years.)  We would expect that the president and vice president would be handed the impeachment they have earned many times over.

But of course, this is the Matrix. So I'm guessing we should really expect no change of the status quo.  The Dems have already pledged not to investigate the President and his administration. They have already pledged to add to the warmongering with some additional 20,000  fighting mercenaries, and they have signaled support of the unprovoked invasion of another country.   They seem to have forgotten that the administration lied them into war and that they have been making huge payoffs to their own companies and supporters.  The Dems seem to have forgotten that they passed laws nullifying several of the rights previously protected in the Bill of Rights. The Dems seem to have forgotten about secret torture, illegal spying and the repeal of habeas corpus.  They seem to want to accept all the signing statements, fraud, torture, impropriety, war crimes. If they fail to condemn them, then the Dems become parties of these deeds. 


Before election day, the Dems said they had no power.  Now they have the power. What will they do?

The voters have clearly said "no" to the status quo. My guess is that the elected Dems will say "no" right back at them.  I hope my prediction fails.


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