What ?!?!... When?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Independence Day for Whom?

The people are celebrating. They are shooting lights in the air to commemorate the founding of the US. On the eve of the 4th of July, fantastic display of lights can be seen from the highrise balcony on the West Side.

However, the reality is that we might rather be mourning the death of the republic. For the country envisioned by the founders has given way to an autocratic government of, for and by the wealthy people, against the majority. The republic practices every form of oppression, including torturing, spying on citizens, restricting the travel, privacy, and speech of the citizens, and the chief and most egregious oppression, that of lying to and withholding truth from the public. The government servants have forgotten they are servants and have fashioned themselves into officials and authorities. And they have written new "laws" to remold this society into their warped image. Here in NY, the city is passing an ordinance that would bar people from using video cameras on public streets. It's just one example of how far the republic has fallen into fascism. The founding fathers would probably be surprised and mourn with us on this occasion. This Independence day may the lights and the blasts wake us up!
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